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Home Insurance & Flood Cover – Understanding the RISK

Before purchasing home insurance, it's crucial to understand your home's flood risk.

House insurance with flood cover from Intelligent Insurance

The Rising Tide of Flood Events in the UK

In recent years, the UK has witnessed an increasing number of flood events, affecting diverse regions. Changing climate patterns suggest that not only will these incidents become more frequent and severe, but they may also strike areas previously unaffected by floods.  This article aims to guide readers through understanding flood risks and coverage options, offering valuable insights and advice on protecting their homes in the face of these increasing challenges.

Misconceptions About Flooding

Often, the mention of floods brings to mind images of overflowing rivers or coastal surges. Many assume that living away from these water bodies eliminates their flood risk. Yet, surface water flooding remains a widespread and common threat, with rainwater run-off from hills and mountains posing significant risks.

Assessing & Understanding Your Home’s Flood Risk

Before purchasing home insurance, it’s crucial to understand your home’s flood risk. Even homes seemingly at low risk can be vulnerable. We recommend visiting the following resources based on your location for a comprehensive flood risk assessment:

The Importance of Adequate Flood Cover

If your property is in a flood-prone area or has a history of flooding, selecting a policy with flood cover is essential. Flood damage can render homes uninhabitable, necessitating expensive repairs and alternative accommodation. Without flood cover, these costs fall on you.

At Intelligent Insurance, flood cover inclusion varies based on location, postcode, and flood history. We clearly indicate if flood cover is excluded in our Policy Schedule under ‘Endorsements’.

Exploring Flood Re and Insurance Options

Flood Re, a collaboration between UK insurers and the government, aims to make flood insurance more affordable. If your property was built before 2009 and is not commercial, you might be eligible for Flood Re cover.

Complying with Mortgage Requirements

Ensure your home insurance, especially flood cover, aligns with your mortgage provider’s conditions. Some lenders mandate flood cover, and its absence could breach your mortgage terms.

Reducing Flood Risk to Your Property

If you live in a property that has previously flooded or is at high risk of flooding we would recommend you obtain a Professional Flood Survey including a site visit from a qualified chartered surveyors or civil engineering company who specialise in Flood assessments. They will recommend specific improvements, which may include:

Non return valves fitted to your waste pipes

This will ensure that foul water will not back up into the property. Even if your property does not have water entering through other means, water can back up through the drains and overflow your toilets, baths and sinks with foul water.

Air bricks

These are low level vents that help stop rotting of your sub floor void.
Unfortunately, due to their placement they are also one of the major weaknesses for water to enter your property. Anti Flood Air brick covers are designed to replace your existing air bricks, but crucially do not allow water to enter.

Flood Doors

These can be purchased and fitted to all external doors. When not in use they can be stored away.
If you receive a flood warning they can be quickly and easily installed in time to help protect your home.

Other measures to mitigate flood damage:

It is possible to raise the height of your electrical sockets, and although costly in the short term, this may well reduce the cost and time of dealing with any future flood event.
Consider replacing downstairs carpets with tiles which can be dried and cleaned quicker than carpets.

Be sure to check out this Sign up for Flood Warning through the FREE government website.

What to Do in Case of Flooding

Experiencing a flood in your home can be one of the most upsetting and devastating experiences. Often whatever is left behind after the flood water subsides is unsalvageable.
IF you have purchased a policy with FLOOD cover please contact your insurer as soon as possible after flooding occurs so you can get advice on the steps to take to start to recover your property and contents.

How to recover after a flood

Some helpful information to refer to in the event of experiencing a flood and how to recover after the event can be found at the following locations:

UK Government’s advice on recovering after a flood
JBA Consulting’s flood risk services

Conclusion: Be Prepared and Protected

Understanding and preparing for flood risks is vital. Ensure your home insurance policy, particularly flood cover, is comprehensive and meets your needs.
You can get a quote online in just a few minutes, speak to one of our experts via chat, or call us on 03333 11 11 10.

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