Help Centre / What Can I do in My Account?

What Can I do in My Account?

In My Account, you have convenient access to various features to manage your policy efficiently.

View and Manage Your Policy

  • View Policy Details: Access a comprehensive overview of your policy, including all relevant details.
  • Download Policy Documents: Retrieve and download your policy documents for your records.
  • Add Optional Extra Cover: Enhance your coverage by conveniently adding optional extra cover to meet your specific needs.
  • Request Cover Changes: Easily request changes to your existing policy, ensuring it aligns with your evolving requirements.

Renewal Features

At renewal, My Account offers additional functionalities:

  • Review Prices and Cover: Evaluate the pricing and coverage details for your policy renewal.
  • Request Cover Changes: If needed, request changes to your coverage to better suit your preferences.
  • Add Optional Extra Cover: Explore additional coverage options and include them as part of your renewed policy.
  • Change Payment Method: Have the flexibility to update your payment method for added convenience.

Whether it’s day-to-day policy management or preparing for renewal, My Account provides a user-friendly platform for a seamless insurance experience.

Speak to our team

The quickest way to reach us is via online chat. No robots, only real people. Our friendly team are available to help you five days a week.

Opening Hours
  • Monday-Thursday
  • Friday
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  • Sunday
  • Bank Holidays